Verb and Model verb


实意动词 (Notional Verb)

助动词 (Auxiliary Verb)

系动词 (Link Verb)

情态动词 (Model Verb)

动词有数量和时态的变化, 时态通常有三大时态, 现在, 过去, 将来

根据动作进行的状态可分为, 一般时, 进行时, 完成时

时态 = 时间 + 状态


can, could, may, might

can, could

表示能力, 可以用be able to 代替


表示可能性, can的可能性大


He can/could swim.

He can/could come tomorrow.

Can/Could I stay here?

may, might

表示可能性, may的可能性大

请求, 允许, might更委婉

He may/might come here.

May/Might I join you?

Yes, please.

No, you can’t.

No, you mustn’t.

must, have to

必须, 必要, must表示主观多一些, have to表示客观多一些, 有不得不的意思.

have to 有时态和数量的变化


You mustn’t go. 你不准去

You don’t have to go. 你不必去

should / ought to

表示劝告, 建议, 命令. should表示主观, ought to表示客观, 在疑问句中, 通常使用should

You should do the job right now.

Should they stay here now?



You need come here early.

You needn’t come here early.

Need he come here early?

Yes, he need.

No, he needn’t.



He needs to come here early.

He doesn’t need to come here early.

Does he need to come here early?

Yes, he does.

No, he doesn’t.

don’t have to

不必, 不需要

Must I come here early?

No, you needn’t.

No, you don’t have to.

had better

表示最好做某事, had不表征过去, 后面接动词原形

Your had better eat more.

You’d better finish it right now.

would rather

表示宁愿, 宁可, 最好, 还是…为好, 语感上要轻

You would rather deal with it now.

否定形式 had better not, would rather not

You had better not eat more.

used to would

过去常常, 表示过去习惯性动作, used to 可指过去的状态或情况, would则不能

The novel used to popular.

表示反复发生的动作, 如果某一动作没有反复性, 则不能用would

He would practise learn English every week.

I used to live in Beijing.
表示过去经常性或习惯性的动作或状态, 现在已经结束, would则表示有可能再发生

People used to believe that earth was flat.

He would go to the park as soon as he was free.


情态动词 + not + 原形

He can’t sing an English song.

He may not know her.

He mustn’t go there.

He doesn’t have to go there.


Can he sing an English song?

Yes, he can.

No, he can’t.

Must he go there?

Yes, he must.

No, he needn’t.

Does he have to go there?

Yes, he does.

No, he doesn’t.

情态动词 + have + 过去分词

表示过去的事实, 推测的含义

He can/could/may/might/must have arrived

should + have + 过去分词 本应该

He should have arrived.

They should have finished the work.

needn’t + have + 过去分词 本不需要

You needn’t have done so.

must have + 过去分词 准是已经

He must have arrived

can’t have + 过去分词 不可能已经

He can’t have arrived